Friday, March 27, 2020

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century Essay Example For Students

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century Essay The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century (Renaissance History, 2008). It is a French word for rebirth. It also a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome. The art in the Renaissance time was more life-like and contained perspective. (Interactive Schooling, 2013). It was perceived as a rebirth of ancient traditions, and later on it was a tradition. Some famous artists from the Renaissance were Leonardo Ad Vinci, Tinderbox, Ghetto, Raphael, etc. Now their painting are something really valuable and significant. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 he changed the lives of people in Europe and, eventually, all over the world. A printing press is a device that uses pressure to transfer an image from some sort of prepared, inked surface to a receiving surface, like paper or cloth. (Weeklies, 2007). It was one of the great inventions of the modern age. During the renaissance in geography, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, manufacturing, and engineering occurred some great advances, science in those times was something that not everybody could know like now. Renaissance science spawned the Scientific Revolution; science and technology began a cycle of mutual advancement. (Winnie Whish, 2008). Some important Renaissance technologies were; mining and metallurgy, blast furnace enabled iron to be produced in significant quantities, finery forge enabled pig iron into bar iron, slitting mill chained the production of iron rods for nail making, smelt mill increased the output of lead over previous methods. We will write a custom essay on The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Renaissance artists and architects, produced some of the finest works that we know now. The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe ushered in a new artistic tradition that embraced the Protestant agenda and diverged drastically from the southern European tradition and the humanist art produced during the high Renaissance. (Art History, 2012)

Friday, March 6, 2020

Freud vs Adler Theories essays

Freud vs Adler Theories essays Sigmund Freud has held the distinction as the Founder of Psychoanalysis in contributing a revolutionary concept that emphasizes on the human unconscious (Boerre 1997). His theory on the energy sources he and his associate, Josef Breuer, called the id, ego and superego, make up the human psyche. They formulated that the id as the unconscious part that works on the eros or sexual life energy and the tanatos or anger/death energy. The ego energy source balances these energies, that is why people, in general, can function and coexist in society (Boeree). The ego is strong enough to control them. Freud and Breuer's theory, however, suggested that, sometimes, the id becomes more dominant and gets to control human behavior, such as during sleep when suppressed desires are revealed in dreams. The theory also holds that the superego is a person's mental image of his or her ideal self, which includes all the values and norms learned and internalized from the person's environment. The superego energy is, therefore, directly opposed to and by the id, and the ego endeavors to satisfy and keep both extremes balanced (Boeree). Freud also proposed that mental disorders develop in early childhood and go through the oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital stages. The phallic sub-theory that is well-known explains how sex-identity develops in an unconscious level (Boeree 1997) between the child and each parent, the boy developing the Oedipus Complex and the girl, the Electra Complex. Both concepts were unacceptable to the people of Freud's time, but his revolutionary analysis of the dynamics of the human psyche was nonetheless valued and remains popularly used (Pietersen 2004). His clinical research method has been widely applied in conversations with patients in analyzing and gaining insight into their behavioral pattern (Boeree). But Freud's theory has been criticized as not supporte...